Air strikes, artillery offensives, thousands of civilians fleeing their homes. This is what’s been happening over the last few weeks in northern Myanmar. And it has been happening as Myanmar’s new government under the leadership of Nobel Peace Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi has been trying so hard to restart a heavily flawed peace process.
There should be an outcry. And there is on the ground in Kachin and Shan states where bitter military clashes have been continuing. And thousands of people have taken to the streets in Myitkyina over the last week to shout for peace. Yet who is listening?
About 2,000 people fled their homes after the Myanmar Army attacked a Restoration Council of Shan State/Shan State Army (RCSS/SSA) relief centre for drug addicts in Mong Kung Township, southern Shan State on 5 October. Consequently, residents fled their homes and sought shelter in the northern and southern monasteries. The RCSS/SSA also claimed that the Myanmar Army targeted four different areas with heavy artillery on 2 October and the fighting continues unabated.
In neighbouring UWSA and Mongla territory, it has been reported, there has also been a minor infraction into Mongla territory by UWSA troops. Media reports say 600 UWSA troops seized two strategic mountain outposts.
By http://www.mizzima.com/news-opinion/peace-process-beginning-collapse